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Vyhledávám… extra:publisher[er]=Lubomír Blecha.

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Vítězslav Říčka: Lost story journeys in the countries. Klikněte pro více informací.

1. Lost story journeys in the countries
Vítězslav Říčka

Nakladatel: Lubomír Blecha
Rozsah: 242 stran
EAN: 9788027005369
Kategorie: Česká a světová literatura • Poezie
Anotace: Author Vítězslav Říčka gives the second book called Lost story journeys in the countries. This book concludes his poetic tour in the fictional and possible real stories which are situated in the countries all over the world. Author makes effort to tell about characters and their illusional stories in various poems which can try hold cultural habit and customs in various countries in Europe and further. Author visited some ones of countries in Europe and spent some time on his job tour or own holiday trips.

Vítězslav Říčka: Night Enchantress. Klikněte pro více informací.

2. Night Enchantress
Vítězslav Říčka

Nakladatel: Lubomír Blecha
Rozsah: 201 stran
EAN: 9788027019755
Kategorie: Česká a světová literatura • Poezie
Anotace: Czech author Vítězslav Říčka gives the fifth book called Night Enchantress. This book is translation of Czech book called Čarodějka nocí. Night Enchantress concludes poetic tour of two characters - farmer and enchantress. They meet together and fall in love. This story is about love between them and seeking themselves each other in various countries. Author makes effort to tell about two protagonists and their illusional stories in various poems. Story is also enriched by various situation of other characters in other poems. Author wrote the second book in English language and make effort to show all aspects of love in poetic story between two people.



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